Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Air Pollution In Pima County - Free Essay Example
Air pollution The air pollution in Pima County; large quantity is due to internal combustion vehicles, residents have to adopt conservation habits to prevent the state of Arizona from implementing more regulations in the future. Introduction : Air pollution is a problem that many cities in the United States are currently dealing with. In the city of Tucson AZ, air pollution is a problem that is being controlled. It has been declared that automobiles are the dominant factor compared to other factors in terms of air pollution. In relation, in what grows a community also increases the amount of automobiles. Currently there are environmental regulations of the state that car owners must comply with so that their cars can continue to circulate through the streets of some counties in the state of Arizona. In most cases, complying with these regulations is not enough to control the pollution that most cars emit. There are also recommendations from municipal agencies that suggest ideas to reduce the usual use of the car. Air pollution in Pima County has been a concern in recent years; as the population of people who come from other countries or other cities in the United States grows and many of them arrive without knowledge of the problems that exist in the city of Tucson, and for which most of these foreigners are completely uninformed of the recommendations to be made in case of these problems. It has been determined that the increasing number of automobiles, estimated according to the growing number of the population, are the main propitiators of the pollution in the environment; although it has been implemented in some communities of this state the emission test program for every two years to the cars to be able to renew the tags; in most of the times the cars pass the test and many times before the course of two years, the cars fail in their emissions system and begin to pollute the environment until it is time for them to renew plates again and it is then. That problem is recognized, but for that and can take up to one year polluting. Some Tucson are not honest, and they cheat in those tests, for example; the Check engine light goes on, it is often the catalytic converter that is failing, and it is expensive to replace the catalytic converter, but they do a reset to the cars computer and the mechanics know that they should run the car less than 20 miles but before that distance they have to go to be the emission test and surprisingly pass it, but after passing that test it turns on Check engine and the car is contaminating again; the disadvantage of doing that trap is that the car will contaminate and at the same time reduce fuel efficiency and run the risk that the engine of the car will cause serious damages that are more expensive. Also, the lack of periodic maintenance of a car, affects the performance of the car and therefore increases the emission of pollutants. A clear phenomenon of contamination in Tucson is when, the gases are concentrated and creates a sensation that seems to be cloudy, on the horizon towards the Catalinas Mountain during the mornings, but there are no clouds. There are some pollutants in the air that we do not see at a glance like they are: carbon monoxide (CO), Ozone, particulate matter and greenhouse gases. These are mostly harmful to the greeting and even fatal; the organization PAG (Pima Association of Governments) is an organization that is dedicated to studying development programs and they do their research. And they have declared in this year that contamination levels have increased significantly; This type of contamination affects sensitive people, for example: people who suffer from a respiratory problem such as asthma or allergies are the most vulnerable and susceptible to having a complication in their health and with fatal consequences. Actualmet state laws and prohibitions have been made, in order to reduce the pollution of the environment, for example in the winter: the city of Tucson announces through the media that in certain days should not be lit chimneys by the high degree of air pollution.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Review of Xinzhong Yaos Book Introduction to Confucianism...
In Introduction to Confucianism, Xinzhong Yao strives to convey a balanced understanding of the Chinese / East Asian tradition of Confucius as it has evolved over the last 2500 years from ancient times to contemporary relevance, from the classics into practice and all within a single book. Yao aims to distinguish his presentation of the subject matter from previous introductions that have taken a more historical approach. He writes for a western audience and for students who are assumed new to Confucianism while also appearing to address his peers and anticipated critics. He draws from his experience of teaching Confucianism in a university setting and includes excerpts of academic articles that he has previously published. Hisâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦There is no consensus among Confucians regarding the meaning and function of Heaven, and explaining the concepts of religion, immortality and evil for example, require Yao to act as a bridge between the east and west. Overall , he does a good job at explaining these definitions. From the outside, Yao exposes these ideas as resistant to the western constraints of categorization. When viewed from the inside within the Confucian Way, the contradictions that the western eye may observe do not present a problem. Yaos detailed explanation of Harmony as the most important virtue added to my understanding but also presented me with some challenges. Confucianism has no clear distinction between Heaven and humanity and the relationship between Heaven and humans is perceived through The Way of Harmony. Harmony is indeed a central theme within Confucianism and on all levels of relationships and society (individual, familial, governmental, and spiritual). Some of the traditional ideas concerning the roles of women and children and the obligations of people in the name of harmony were particularly unsettling for me. Yao navigates through this messy territory by trying to stick to his double investigation. At times, he seems to lean towards a defense or rationalization of the ways Confucianism has been misused. Still, he does acknowledge the role of Confucianism in contributing to these applications, but only
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comedic Violence in The Medea, The Oresteia, and Antigone...
Comedic Violence in The Medea, The Oresteia, and Antigone Almost no Greek tragedy escapes the use of violence. The Medea, The Oresteia, Antigone, and other classic works of Grecian tragoidia all involve huge components of violence in many prominent places, and for all of these stories, violent action is an integral part of the play. Medea, especially, is a character worthy of note in this regard; her tumultuous life can be plotted accurately along a path of aggression and passionate fits, and her bloody history lends tension and ascendance to the cathartic events of the gripping Medea. In contrast to this turbulent streak of brutality in Grecian tragedy stands the world of Greek comedy. Violence in comedy is just as much a partâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In comparison to this is Lysistrata, a comedy in which violence is not shown to be an answer that works. In this story, however, the overarching dilemma is the existence of the Peloponnesian War. For Euripides, violence is a question and a centerpiece of intrigue, yet it is not the root of the plot. Aristophanes, on the other hand, chooses to investigate gender relations and the concerns of daily life by using a hollow context of violence that ostensibly motivates the actions of the characters while avoiding center stage as an issue of any weight in the play itself. At first glance this analysis seems wrong: it appears that Lysistrata is very much concerned with violence. After all, Aristophanes intended to write an anti-war piece. However, while this statement is technically true, it is only a skin-deep realization. In actuality, Lysistrata herself is not anti-war in the sense of being ideologically opposed to war; she is anti-war only insofar as she detests the Peloponnesian War. And yet, although the Mede is at our gates, / You ruin Greece with mad intestine wars. / This is my first reproach to both of you, (Aristophanes 1132) says Lysistrata to the assembled Spartan and Athenian ambassadors. In this passage, the fiery woman establishes her stance and proclaims that she is mainly upset over the fact that the current war is more a civil war than a war against actual enemies. Her core
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Homeless What has been done to decrease the proble Essay Example For Students
Homeless What has been done to decrease the proble Essay m Homeless: What has been done to decrease the problem? One of the largest growing concerns in Toronto is the constantly increasing number of citizens who are finding themselves living on the streets. With the decrease in the number of available jobs, the population of homeless people has literally boomed. My questions are not as simple to answer as they may appear. Why is a large portion of our community forced to live on the streets? What has be done to decrease the problem? These are the questions I will confront in my essay. With the economical wealth attributed to the name Canada, one would have to wonder why there is a homeless situation at all. This problem is especially evident in Canadas wealthiest city, Toronto. When it comes to the affairs of the people, it is the government who should intervene. When I look at what the government has done with regard to the homeless problem, I have to doubt that everything is being done to eradicate it. The United Nations implemented a universal declaration of human rights. Article 25 Section 1 of this declaration states: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and to the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. This is a step in the right direction. However, this is not enough. These rights are subject to the discretion of the government of the country who decides to obey these universal rights. How much is adequate? The government, both at the federal and municipal levels, is currently working on new spending cuts. These cuts also include spending on welfare, unemployment and social services that are geared towards helping the homeless. Spending cuts can be seen as a necessity to maintain the country economically, but the reason for having a government in the first place is to take care of the people. How can this be done when money is being taken away from those services that are necessary to uphold this obligation? Simply put, it cannot. Those obligations are served by nonprofit organizations who depend on government grants to maintain a standard of care for those who need the services. The blame cannot be placed only on the government. Such a system of assistance depends on its beneficiaries to be honest and have some integrity. Many recipients of these services attempt to cheat the system. With no will to search for work many of these recipients remain at home and reap the benefits of their weekly cheques. This causes the government to create other services to control the amounts of money being distributed to those people. This process is costly and would be unnecessary if all of the recipients decided to take an honest approach to this service. What can the government do to decrease the homeless population? Although there is no quick and easy answer to solve this difficult problem, Toronto has the means to attempt economical ways to research and come up with ideas to solve it. Here in Ontario we have many excellent universities and colleges with equally excellent students who are taking courses in the political sciences. If the government were to cooperate with these universities and colleges and have them work in conjunction with the current research groups, then the answer to decrease the homeless population would be effectively answered. The government would encounter little expense and at the same time give the students a chance to implement what they are learning into real life situations. Everyone benefits from this idea and there are no losers. .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe , .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .postImageUrl , .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe , .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe:hover , .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe:visited , .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe:active { border:0!important; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe:active , .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucb14bc9aad13ebeb3b0fcb3f36fdeefe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Electronic Arts Strategic Management Essay In conclusion I think that our homeless problem could eventually be rooted out entirely if everyone were to take part in the care of their fellow neighbour. If we were to stop being self-centered and start thinking about the other person who has less than us, I am sure that we would benefit from it. It isnt all that hard. A few advertisements on the television and radio, a little push from our societys .
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